The Godfather (Lighting Techniques)


Some of the Lighting techniques used in the classic Godfather was low–key lighting. Low key lighting  design looks dark overall by comparison. This provided benefit because it gives you a sense of empowerment. Which the Godfather was definitely in charge.   In most the film low key lighting was captured to make the viewer key in and listen. Some of the best scenes in the movie required you to listen very carefully and the lighting played a key role in this. Low key lighting  is marked by extreme use of deep shadows, with very high contrast between the brightest parts of the scene and the darkest parts, which are obscured in shadows. There was also another technique used as well three–point lighting . This style of lighting is based upon careful control of shadows by using three main light sources. Both these styles were suited for the genre gangster because of the darkness, the sense of fear. The deep red color for instance captured from the roses on Vito’s suit,  in contrast reminds you of blood. It sticks out, very vibrant. The dark shadows used in the very first scene over Vito face to make him appear untouchable.  These two particular lighting techniques fit the film perfect which in turn made it a classic for a lifetime.


Goodykoontz, B., & Jacobs, C. P. (2011). Film: From Watching to Seeing. San Diego, CA:



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